Saturday, April 11, 2009
Lesson #047, Putting 8th Notes to 4/4 Time
Hi Everyone,
We are going to use the all important 1/8th note now within our eight measures. Lets use the alternating thumb roll in this lesson. The important thing to remember is the count of 4 in 4/4 timing. Now when we count we are going to use this. 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and. Remember we need 8 notes now to use within one measure in this lesson. An 1/8th note is equal to 1/2 beat. 8X1/2=4. There are our 4 beats, or making the equation more simplistic. 1/2 of 8=4.
We can also use the alternating thumb roll and incorporate the sound of the Bass as well in this lesson. Use the alt roll but now drop the thumb down and pick the fourth string the second time you play the roll in one measure. Now you can hear the sound of the Bass within the pattern using all 1/8th notes still on the count of 1 and 3.
Remember your foot is going to go down and up the same amount of times but you will be playing two notes every time your foot goes down and comes back up.
Roll On Buddy!
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